Evocative Symbolic Orchestra

Evocative provocative sensible emotional

Evocative Symbolic Orchestra

Evocative Symbolic Orchestra

Evocative provocative sensible emotional sounds for UVI Falcon.

€ 49 sale

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Evocative Symbolic Orchestra for UVI Falcon. Evocative, provocative, sensible, emotional, dark and divined.

160 presets.

Evocative: First known use. 1657. Means: Evoking or tending to evoke an especially emotional response.
Symbolic: First known use. 1610. Means: Expressing or representing an idea or quality without using words.
Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Evocative Symbolic Orchestra is a complete nucleosynthesized orchestra for your audiovisual pleasures.
Main content is using the analog, noise, pluck and wavetable synthesis parts of Falcon, allthough there are sample based granular content included aswell.
You’ll find everything from tempo-synced concrete abstractions of doom, suggestive rites and pulsating escapades to melodic hybrid instruments, pads and synth sounds to textures, ambiences and drones.

The library is categorized and sorted into the following structure:
Ambiences Textures.
Hybrid Instruments.
Multitrack Sequences.
Plucks Mallets.
Synth (bass, lead, synth).
and a sample folder called "Z Samples".

Suited for cinematic, ambient, electronic, dark, epic, tribal, experimental, seductive and hybrid composing.


  • 160 presets.
  • 338 individual layers.
  • Vast soundshaping possibilities from the macroknobs.
  • Assigned modwheel (CC#1) for morphing, coloring and/or pattern variation on all presets.
  • Description of each sound on the info page.
  • Detailed patchlist with comments and descriptions of each preset.
  • Falcon 1.4.1 required.
  • Patchlist (dummy, to be updated)


    Audio demos


    Graphic overview of macro assignments from Falcon info page.

    Screenshots from four presets to give an idea of how the macro assignments are layed out. On most presets, in rows from left to right. Layer A, B etc. and master section to the right with mod wheel (CC#1) macro top right. The volume knob i.e. "A Vol" have a name added as indication of the specific layer character, for orientation.

    Darkened Void
    Single layer using the multigranular module as source.

    Evocative Symbolic Orchestra

    Drenos Kotar
    Two layers, A and B. Master section to the right with modhweel macro top right.

    Evocative Symbolic Orchestra

    Diagram Adventure
    Two layers, A and B. Master section to the right with modhweel macro top right.

    Evocative Symbolic Orchestra

    Three layers, A, B and C. Master section to the right with modhweel macro top right.

    Evocative Symbolic Orchestra

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